Hello! On this page, you will find payment information for your upcoming appointment or other fees. Unconfirmed appointments will be cancelled after 7 days unless other arrangements have been agreed upon in advance with Dr Schwartz.

  • Zelle is the preferred payment method for your payment of appointment or other fees. Another option is PayPal.
    • ZELLE – to pay for an appointment or other fees please send your Zelle payment to HAPPYPETS@YAHOO.COM
    • Zelle is available on most banking websites; it’s an easy way to transfer payments free of any charge!
  • PAYPAL – Payment by PayPal with your credit card is offered, however, there is a $50 surcharge to appointments only to cover PayPal & credit card fees. Please scroll down to the PayPal menus at the bottom of this page.
  • There will be a $50 fee retained for cancelled appointments with at least 24 hours notice that are not rescheduled. Fees for appointments that are cancelled within 24 hours will be retained in full.
  • There is no penalty or additional fee to reschedule your appointment with at least 24 hours notice.
  • If paying your appointment fee in full with PayPal there will be an additional $50 fee retained for cancellations within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment. We regret that these fees have become necessary due to the high cost of doing business with PayPal.
  • Appointments must be confirmed within 7 days of scheduling with payment in full unless agreed otherwise. Unconfirmed appointments will be canceled out of respect for Dr. Schwartz’s time and other pet parents waiting for an appointment.
  • PayPal payments can be made at the bottom of this page. Please scroll down.
  • Please visit the Appointment Fee and Cancellation Policy page for more details.
  • Prescription Refill Extensions are $50 if a follow up appointment is not made before the recommended time
  • Please discuss fees with Dr. Schwartz before making any payment (below).

To pay for your appointment or other fees using PayPal, please select the appropriate option from the menus below. Note: you must add $50 to your total to cover PayPal fees, thank you for your understanding.