Payment in Full To Confirm Your Appointment
- All appointments must be paid in full within 7 days of scheduling unless other arrangements have been discussed with Dr Schwartz.
- Unconfirmed Appointments can’t be held. Payment in full confirms your appointment (see Consult Fees page). Unconfirmed appointments cannot be held for longer than 7 calendar days. Other pet parents are waiting for help for their pets, and sometimes this can mean the difference between life and death. Please confirm your appointment upon scheduling with your payment. If you don’t intend to keep the appointment, please have the courtesy to let us know with an email. We do not receive texts.
- To complete your deposit, please proceed to the Secure Online Payment page.
Thank you for your kind cooperation.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations are sometimes unavoidable, but we require the courtesy of at least 24 hours notice (please call AND email to be sure) in consideration of other pet parents waiting for an appointment and out of respect for Dr. Schwartz’s time. We do not receive texts.
- Appointments may be rescheduled without penalty with at least 24 hrs notice; we understand that life happens.
- For appointments that are cancelled in a timely manner with at least 24 hrs notice and not rescheduled, a $50 processing fee will be withheld to cover processing fees.
- If you paid for your appointment using PayPal, an additional $50 will be retained to cover PayPal/credit card fees.
- If appointments are not cancelled with at least 24 hrs notice, the complete fee will be retained.